Learn more about our 100% virtual Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program

Clinician Resources

Enhancing Patient Care: Your Comprehensive Toolkit for Morlen's Virtual Pulmonary Rehab Program

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Welcome to our comprehensive provider resources center tailored for clinicians seeking to enhance patient care through virtual pulmonary rehabilitation at home. In this hub, we offer invaluable insights, tools, and guidance for identifying patients who could benefit significantly from Morlen’s Virtual Pulmonary Rehab Program. Whether your patients are managing chronic respiratory conditions, seeking convenient alternatives to traditional rehab, or require personalized support in their journey to improved lung health, our program is designed to cater to diverse needs and circumstances. Explore our curated content to discover how our pulmonary rehab program can help you to optimize care and outcomes for your patients, transforming their homes into effective hubs for pulmonary rehabilitation.

Virtual Pulmonary Rehab Patient Profile

Our comprehensive virtual pulmonary rehabilitation program lasts from eight to twelve weeks that is designed to improve the quality of life for individuals with chronic respiratory conditions. It aims to enhance respiratory muscle strength, exercise tolerance, and overall pulmonary function. While pulmonary rehabilitation can benefit a wide range of patients, following are indications for patients who are especially strong candidates for our fully virtual pulmonary rehab at home program.

  • Severe Airway Obstruction or Restriction

    Individuals with severe to very severe airway obstruction due to a chronic respiratory condition such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, or other lung conditions.

  • Recent ED Visits or Hospitalizations

    Individuals that have recently been to the emergency department or were recently hospitalized due to exacerbations from a respiratory condition are particularly strong candidates for pulmonary rehab. These individuals are at high risk of further hospitalizations and even death. Studies consistently show that pulmonary rehab following a hospitalization or emergency department visit greatly reduces these risks by 30% to 50%.

  • Frequent Exacerbations

    Individuals that have experienced more than three exacerbations due to a respiratory condition in the preceding year, even if none of those exacerbations resulted in an ED visit or hospitalization.

  • Severely Impaired Quality of Life

    Patients who experience significant functional limitations due to their respiratory condition are strong candidates for pulmonary rehabilitation programs. This may include difficulties with activities of daily living, reduced exercise tolerance, or limitations in performing occupational or recreational activities. The program aims to improve functional capacity and restore independence in these areas and is especially well suited for patients that have a hard time leaving their home.

  • Markedly Limited Exercise Performance

    Individuals with severely reduced exercise capacity, as evidenced by low fitness levels, decreased endurance, or exercise intolerance, can benefit significantly from pulmonary rehabilitation. The program includes exercise training tailored to the patient’s abilities, gradually increasing their endurance and fitness levels over time.

  • Current Smoker

    Patients facing concerns such as smoking can find virtual pulmonary rehabilitation an ideal solution, especially when traditional center-based programs may not accept current smokers. For individuals who may be hesitant or unable to attend in-person sessions due to smoking habits, pulmonary rehab at home programs offer a safe and accessible alternative.

  • Environmental/Exposure Concerns

    Patients with concerns about exposure to pollutants or infectious diseases can greatly benefit from pulmonary rehab at home. Whether they are striving to reduce exposure to environmental triggers or mitigate infection risks, virtual platforms provide tailored support and guidance every step of the way. By participating in our program from the comfort and safety of their own homes, these patients can effectively manage their respiratory health while receiving personalized care and education to address their specific concerns.

  • Motivation and Willingness to Participate

    Candidates should be motivated and willing to engage in the program, attend sessions regularly, and actively implement the strategies and exercises recommended by healthcare professionals. Morlen’s 1:1 therapy and group education sessions support candidates during their rehab journey.

The characteristics outlined above indicate a patient’s suitability for pulmonary rehabilitation. However, everyone’s case is unique.

Morlen Health always conducts a thorough assessment to determine the specific needs and goals of the patient before initiating the rehabilitation program.

To direct your patients to Morlen Health for virtual pulmonary rehabilitation at home, we provide a range of convenient avenues:

  • Online Referral Form: Simply click the button below to swiftly complete our online referral form.
  • Download and Fax: If preferred, you can download and complete Morlen Health’s referral form, then promptly fax it to us at 833-464-3535.
  • Use Your Own Referral Form: Alternatively, you have the option to utilize your own referral form.

Our enrollment criteria are straightforward. Patients should be willing to engage in virtual pulmonary rehab at home and have moderate to severe COPD. However, please note that patients requiring high levels of oxygen at rest, those with significant heart conditions, limitations in engaging in exercise, undergoing complex hemodialysis, lacking language support, or facing logistical challenges with technology may not be suitable candidates.

We appreciate your assistance in referring appropriate patients to Morlen Health for our program.